When the vehicle on the tasklist is being changed, this webhook will be sent.

  "webhookId": "6462e40b7bb3c000d5a92642",
  "name": "changeVehicle",
  "sent": "2023-05-16T19:01:46.047Z",
  "data": {
    "taskListId": "6567948d8ef16b0065689ebf",
    "oldVehicleId": "6567948d8ef16b0065689ebe",
    "newVehicleId": "6567948d8ef16b0065689ebc",
    "userId": "6567948d8ef16b0065689ebe"
taskListIdThe id of the tasklist the vehicle status have been made from. Might not be there every time
oldVehicleIdThe id of the vehicle that the tasklist was moved from
newVehicleIdThe id of the vehicle that the tasklist was moved to
userIdThe id of the user who changed the vehicles