Result description

_idThe unique id of the VRP template
companyIdOur unique company id
nameThe name of the VRP template
inputAll the inputs for the VRP templates
input.vehicleIdsThe list of the unique ids of the vehicles that on the VRP template
input.trayIdThe id of the tray where the orders are that should be run in the VRP template
input.optimizeFormulaA string value that tells what can of optimize formula that will be used. The different options and their meaning can be found in the table below
input.maxColliThe number of colli that a vehicle can have. If the value is 0, it's unlimited
input.maxTripTimeThe max time length a vehicle can have, in seconds. If the value is 0, it's unlimited
input.maxStopsThe number of stops a vehicle can have. If the value is 0, it's unlimited
input.maxWeightA boolean value. If the value is true, it will take the max weight a vehicle have been set at and calculate the weight of an ordre against it
input.maxVolumeA boolean value. If the value is true, it will take the max volume a vehicle have been set at and calculate the volume of an ordre against it
input.timeWindowsA boolean value. If the value is true, time windows will be used. If false, all time windows will be ignored
input.startLocationIdAn id of a location. If it's being set, it will use this location as start location for all vehicles, instead of the vehicles own start location
input.endLocationIdAn id of a location. If it's being set, it will use this location as end location for all vehicles, instead of the vehicles own end location
input.breakDurationThe break duration is the time a vehicle break is in seconds. If the value of breakDuration or breakDrivingTime is 0, a break won't be added to the vehicle
input.breakDrivingTimeThe break driving time is the time a vehicle have to drive in seconds, before a break will be added. If the value of breakDuration or breakDrivingTime is 0, a break won't be added to the vehicle
input.autoAssignA boolean value. If the value is true, the VRP template will assign the generated trips to the vehicles automatically. If the value is false, an user have to manually assign the VRP template
input.autoPlannedDoneA boolean value. If the value is true, the trips will be marked as done automatically when they have been assigned to a vehicle. If the value is false, an user can do it manually if wanted
input.autoPinnedA boolean value. If the value is true, the stops on a trip is marked pinned automatically when they have been assigned to a vehicle. If the value is false, an user can do it manually if wanted
input.vehiclesInfoAn array of more detail list of the vehicles in the VRP template
input.vehiclesInfo._idThe unique id of the vehicle
input.vehiclesInfo.nameThe name of the vehicle
input.vehiclesInfo.startLocationIdAn id of a location. If it have been set, it will be used if input.startLocationId haven't been set
input.vehiclesInfo.endLocationIdAn id of a location. If it have been set, it will be used if input.endLocationId haven't been set
input.vehiclesInfo.maxWeightThe max weight of the goods the vehicle can have at once in kg
input.vehiclesInfo.volumeThe max volume of the goods the vehicle can have at once in m3
input.vehiclesInfo.maxDrivingTimeThe max driving time a vehicle can be out on a route in seconds
input.vehiclesInfo.maxColliThe max number of colli the vehicle can have at once
input.vehiclesInfo.maxStopsThe max number of stops the vehicle can have on a route
input.vehiclesInfo.startTimesAn object containing all week days
input.vehiclesInfo.startTimes[weekDay].valueA date where only the time will be used to set the start time for a vehicle on the giving week day. The time is in UTC

Optimize formulas

vehicles|minMinimize vehicle use
completion_time|minMinimize driver hours
vehicles|min&completion_time|minMinimize vehicle use & Driver hours
vehicles|min&completion_time|min-maxFastest completion of all tasks using the fewest vehicles and longest possible routes
completion_time|min-maxFastest completion of all tasks by using more vehicles and shorter routes
completion_time|min-max&activities|min-maxFastest processing of tasks distributed equally between the selected vehicles
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