This webhook will be called when there are a tracking update on a vehicle. It will list all the orders that the vehicle have on it's task list, also them which have not been picked up yet, or have been delivered.

  "name": "orderTracking",
  "sent": "2018-04-13T12:38:07.064Z",
  "data": [
      "vehicleId": "58c136a30f72205b78f70c6e",
      "nickname": "Wuxus Vehicle",
      "registryNumber": "WX 12 345",
      "vehicleType": "van",
      "driverId": "57c9417d5a32cb00119b83db",
      "driverName": "John Doe",
      "phone": {
        "prefix": 45,
        "number": 12345678
      "position": {
        "lat": 55.738773,
        "lng": 12.398563,
        "updated": "2018-04-13T12:38:07.041Z"
      "orders": [
          "orderId": "5ad066886a9deecd679e6ac5",
          "orderNumber": "WUX-123-45678901",
          "requisition": "this-is-requisition-1",
          "tntKey": "dccd286c-8a17-4729-a499-6934d46930c1",
          "orderId": "5ad08f776a9deecd679e6c86",
          "orderNumber": "WUX-124-45678901",
          "requisition": "this-is-requisition-2",
          "tntKey": "dccd286c-8a17-4729-a499-6934d46930c2",

The data contains:

vehicleIdThe id of the vehicle.
nicknameThe nickname of the vehicle.
registryNumberThe registry number of the vehicle.
vehicleTypeThe type of the vehicle. Can be:
bicycle, motorcycle, car, pickup, van, boxvan, truck, largetruck, flatbed, largeflatbed.
driverIdThe id of the driver
driverNameThe name of the driver.
phone (May not exist)The phone number of the driver. This may not exist, if there are no phone number on the driver.
position.latThe latitude coordinate where the vehicle was.
position.lngThe longitude coordinate where the vehicle was.
position.updatedThe time the vehicle send it's tracking update.
ordersThe list of orders on the vehicle, including those that have not yet been picked up or delivered.