SMS Webhook variables
Variables that can be inserted into webhook texts
This also supports that you can add URL parameters that can have text tags that are converted when sent. The following text tags are supported:
We are on the way to you with your shipment from [ORIGINCOMPANYNAME].
Estimated delivery time is [DATEYEAR] at [ETATIME].
You can follow the estimated time at: [TNTLINK_SHORT]
Kind regards
If needed please contact our customer service by mail at: [ORIGINEMAIL]
Setting up key's and body in the webhook.
Minimum requirement to setup SMS service with Inmobile rest API.
URL parameters:
Key: recipients:
Value: Insert countrycode and phone number required:
Example: use data fields from Dropboy: [PHONEPREFIX][PHONENUMBER]
Key: sendername
Value: Insert up to 12 characters that will apper as the sender of the Text message:
Example: Use data fields from Dropboy or type a fixed name. [ORIGINCOMPANYNAME]
[ORIGINCOMPANYNAME] will pick the origin company name from the order and insert that variable as the sendername.
Key: apiKey
Value: Insert the the inmobile apiKey
Key: text
Value: Insert the text you want in the text message send to the recipient.
We are on the way to you with your shipment from [ORIGINCOMPANYNAME].
Estimated delivery time is [DATEYEAR] at [ETATIME].
You can follow the estimated time at: [TNTLINK_SHORT]
Kind regards
If needed please contact our customer service by mail at: [ORIGINEMAIL]
Variables to be used from Dropboy:
Format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
[TASKDATE] "Sets the date part to the task liste date"
[TASKDATEMINUS1DAY] "Sets the date part to the day before the task date"
[TASKDATEMINUS2DAY] "Sets the date part to the 2 days before the task date"
Updated 10 months ago