Please find the latest update related to "Order Search"
All users with access to the ORDER menu has access to the the new and improved search functions.
This is how the new order search looks!
General search has moved to the top search field
Search using "Sender" and "Receiver" top menu!
Combine search fields to narrow down order matching result
General Search fields
Using General Search and order number search
To access "Time range search" you must expand the search menu further!
Expand by clicking on the "Add time range" menu
Add Time rage Search
Use Time windows to search for orders within specific time windows
The search model is divided into 2 main groups.
Pickup and delivery
and further into 2 subsections
Earliest time window period and Latest time window period within each section!
Time Window search
Enter your preferred Delivery Time Window using the following models.
To search for orders with a delivery time window as below.
Enter the "Earliest delivery time After: 10-10-2024 00:00"
Enter the "Latest delivery time Before: 10-10-2024 19:00"
The search will return all orders with a delivery time Window between 10 October at 00:00 and no later than 10th October at 19:00
Time window range
Enter your preferred Delivery Time Window Range using the following models.
Limiting the search to only look at the earliest delivery time window as a period.
The latest delivery time is not set, meaning that orders are allowed to be delivered anytime after pickup.
We only look at the highlighted section of the time window!
Enter the "Earliest delivery time Between: 10-10-2024 09:00 and 13-10-2024 23:00
The search will return with any order allowed to be picked up AFTER 10 October at 09:00 and do NOT include orders with an Earliest delivery time window, later than 13 October at 19:00.
If only the following time window is filled out, the search will include all orders that has an Earliest delivery time window AFTER 10th October at 09:00.
this will include orders to be delivered any time in the future (like 100 years from now)
Time Window period description
After: Date and time will remove any orders with a Timewindow earlier than the time entered in the search filed
Before: Date and time will remove any orders with a Timewindow later than the time entered in the search filed
You can combine all fields to eliminate orders
Orders with no Time Window will not be included in the search!
More filters
To further reduce the search result
All other filters have been moved to this group.
We have added 2 more search filters
In Services you can filter for cargo services
Instruction Status you can filter on the instruction status