New and improved ORDER search
2 months ago by Dropboy AS
Please find the latest update related to "Order Search"
All users with access to the ORDER menu has access to the the new and improved search functions.
This is how the new order search looks!
Search using "Sender" and "Receiver" top menu!
General Search fields
Using General Search and order number search
- To access "Time range search" you must expand the search menu further!
Add Time rage Search
Use Time windows to search for orders within specific time windows
Enter your preferred Time Window Time Range using the following models.
- FROM: Date and time will remove any orders with a Timewindow earlier than the time entered in the search filed
- TO: Date and time will remove any orders with a Timewindow later than the time entered in the search filed
You can combine all fields to eliminate orders
Orders with no Time Window will not be included in the search!
More filtersTo further reduce the search result
All other filters have been moved to this group.
We have added 2 more search filters
- In Services you can filter for cargo services
- Instruction Status you can filter on the instruction status