Adding and reading special instructions to an order
Please find the latest update related to the use of "Special Instruction" settings on an order.
All users with access to the ORDER menu has access to the STATUS, VIEW and EDITING driver instructions.
The icons below indicate the instruction status!
Available instruction NOT READ
Available Instruction MUST BE READ
Available Instruction has been READ
The ORDER view
The instruction icon is visible on orders that has an instruction
- click on the icon and access all instruction content
- edit an instruction is available in the order detail mode
- if the instruction is edited the setting for the driver will return to unread status to prompt the driver that instruction is not read.
The ORDER detail view
As soon as the driver access the instruction, it will be marked as READ!
- Icon will change to Green
- The History will be updated with "Instructions read"
- Both App and platform users can change the instruction status back to "UNREAD"
- Driver can mark the instruction in the app as unread
- When an instruction is updated / changes in the Platform, the instruction will be updated as Unread
- If the order move to another trip, the instruction will be updated as Unread
View instructions on an order
Click on the instruction Icon on the order to view instruction details!
Instruction details will show in a pop up window
Editing and creating special instructionsPlease find the instruction EDIT mode below
Edit and Create instructions are structured the same way and instructions can be EDITED and Created both via the API and via the Platform userinterface.
Access the ORDER edit mode
To access the pickup and delivery instructions, please click on the comments field below one of the two sections!
Edit Instructions will open in a window for you to edit og enter the instruction details!
when No instructions exist
- Enter your general comments in the "comments" field
- Click in the "Review required" filed, if the driver is forced to confirm reading the instruction before finalising the task.
- Click on the "+" icon to add a URL instruction file til the order.
Add the position you want the instruction to be added in
Add position "1" to add the instruction as the top level instruction.
- You can always move the instruction position at a later stage.
Add details for each instruction link in the required fields below
Field Description File Name Enter the header name or file name for this instruction! Description Enter your description for "Image 1" is added here! URL Enter the url where the file can be found.
In the table below you can see the files we're supporting.The following file types are supported in th platform and the app
Type Extensions Images png, jpg, jpeg, gif Video mp4, mkv Documents pdf, docs, txt Links https://, htp://
- Link to the API description can be found here
Below are examples of how to fill out instruction links